IVAM Microtechnology Network and ZENIT GmbH
Pitch Session
Equipment Manufacturer meets Component Manufacturer
At the invitation of IVAM (www.ivam.com), this year the guests of the Brokerage at the Healthcare Brokerage Event will be able to take part in the pitch session. On Monday 16th November from 14.50 - 16.30 a pitching between members of IVAM and clients of the Enterprise Europe Network will take place.
Session: Equipment Manufacturer meets Component Manufacturer
Session Chairs: Rim Stroeks, ZENIT GmbH/Enterprise Europe Network EEN North Rhine-Westphalia, Muelheim an der Ruhr, DE
Dr. Thomas R. Dietrich, IVAM Microtechnology Network, Dortmund, DE
14:50 Opening and introduction to Networks
Rim Stroeks, Chair Sector Group Micro- and Nanotechnologies of the EEN, Muelheim an der Ruhr, DE
Dr. Thomas R. Dietrich, IVAM Microtechnology Network, Dortmund, DE
15:00 10 selected Company Pitches
Rim Stroeks, ZENIT GmbH, Muelheim an der Ruhr, DE
Dr. Thomas R. Dietrich, IVAM Microtechnology Network, Dortmund, DE
16:00 Interactive Breakout-sessions
Every pitcher will have their own breakout-session to interact with interested participants from the public.
To guarantee close interaction, number of participants for the breakout-session will be limited to a maximum of X
16:30 End of session
You can follow the pitching session here:
Meeting-ID: 854 0839 4228
Kenncode: 530372
Pitching companies:
- oncgnostics GmbH, Germany
- Sinaptec, France
- DEMCON, Netherlands
- Teseo Srl, Italy
- Danieli Telerobot Labs Srl, Italy
- Beutter Präzisions-Komponenten, Germany
- MedicalSystemsProtect24, Germany
- TTP Ventus Ltd, United Kingdom
- Fisba, Switzerland
The full programme of IVAM Forum during MEDICA in German and English:
DE: https://ivam.de/events/compamed_high_tech_forum_2020
ENG: https://ivam.de/events/compamed_high_tech_forum_2020?lang=en