Virtual B2B @ Health Tech Hub Styria (HTH) – Pitch & Partner 2021
28 January 2021
Agenda and registration: https://www.hth-styria.com/
HTH Styria 2021 goes virtual: following a very successful kick-off event in 2019 and its sequel in 2020, we offer you a concise but action packed virtual event with all the exciting features from the previous events:
- Exceptional keynotes
- Investor pitching: an opportunity to pitch in front of investors
- Corporate call: the chance to present your solution in front of Austrian corporates
- Access to international experts’ panel: what separates good projects from excellent projects in the health tech sector
- B2B: make promising contacts in pre-arranged meetings
- An overview of what's going on in the health-tech and biotech scene
Especially in times like this, building strong networks is more important than ever. This is why we aim to offer the participants of this year's HTH Styria event access to many relevant players in technology transfer, academia/industry collaborations as well as early-stage innovations. We have seen that fostering a European marketplace for pre-seed and seed investments in the health-tech and life sciences field can help to secure our future. Join us and be part of this future!
Main topics:
- Medicine, human health
- Biology/biotechnology
- Micro- and nanotechnology related to biological sciences
- E-health
- Industrial biotechnology
- Genome research
For whom?
Healthtech and biotech players like:
- Start ups
- Researchers
- Investors
- Companies
- Industry
- End users, hospitals, physicians etc.
- E-health experts
- Regional and national stakeholders
The participation is free of charge. The official language used at the event is English.